About Me

Learning is my life & I love it! An avid reader & writer since my earliest memories, I continue to develop my passion every day as a middle school Language Arts teacher. [But here's a secret: I probably learn more from my amazing students than they do from me!]

I'm currently enhancing my life as a learner at the University of Colorado Denver, where I'm enrolled in the Instructional Learning Technology grad program. This blog serves as a forum where I can share my passion for reading, writing and educational technology with the world.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Student-Led Conferences

For upcoming conferences, teachers in my school were gently reminded that all parents should have the opportunity to meet teachers during conferences throughout the school year. This, obviously, is a great concept. But at my school, our conferences 'sell out' faster than a Led Zeppelin reunion concert.

To accommodate more parents, I'm going to try implementing student-led conferences. Researching briefly online, I found an old student-led conferences handbook from an expeditionary school in New York. While some of the procedures don't fit in with my school, I like the goals and listed expectations for students, parents and teachers.

Since my conferences are mere weeks away, I will implement an abbreviated version of the process. My students already spend time reflecting on their work, so they will do well in that area. I think the biggest challenge might be helping students lead the conferences on their own, so I'll have to allow for some rehearsal time. I also need to make sure I keep parents in the 'know.'

I'll report back after November 19 with my own reflections.
